Photo by LeoCast LLC
uhma janus is a native of León, Guanajuato, México.
uhma was initiated into the appreciation of the arts by the early exposure to classical music, opera, art history, and crafting that her parents gifted her with. Under the initial tutelage of her mother, she went on to take classical piano lessons as a child. Her music and writings accompanied her from then on.
In later years, in her search for other mediums of expression, she experimented with acrylic inks starting then her journey of exploration into the visual arts. From these early abstract experimental traces, she has gone on to explore acrylics, oils, graphite and colored pencils, and mixed media in her work.
Her body of work includes abstract pieces, monographs, and portraits. Some of the elements that can be recognized in them reflect her interests in the fundamental, in all that exists as interconnected, in the dynamism of complex systems, and in the disciplines of Geometry, Physics, Biology, Neuroscience, and human physiology.
uhma resides in Louisville, Kentucky. She can be found in her studio, writing at a coffee shop, exploring the urban louisvillian air during her walks, in mechanical dancing-like trances when liked rhythmic music compels her so, and performing the rest of mundane necessary in-betweens.
Group Exhibition, Radiant Reaching. Dutoit Gallery, Dayton OH USA
Juried Group Exhibition, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Regional Showcase Exhibition. Manifest Gallery, Cincinnati OH USA
Group Exhibition, Girl Crush. Art Portal, Louisville KY USA
Curated by Kris Thompson and Cindy Norton
Juried Group Exhibition, Art in City Hall. Louisville City Hall. Louisville, KY USA
Juried Group Exhibition, Open Studio Louisville. Cressman Center for Visual Art Gallery. Louisville, KY USA
Juried Group Exhibition, Latino BLEND 2023. Lexington Main Library. Lexington, KY USA
Juried Group Exhibition, 2023 Black and White Show. KORE Gallery, Louisville, KY USA
Solo Exhibition, Dispositional Granularity. Contemporary Capacity Exchange, Louisville, KY USA
Group Exhibition, Our Kentucky Home: Hispanic/Latin American Visual Art in the Commonwealth. Traveling exhibit. Various locations, KY, USA
Dates and Locations listed here
Group Exhibition, 2021 OSL Juried Exhibition. Cressman Center for Visual Arts, Louisville, KY, USA
(Jurors: Maria Seda-Reeder, Director of Exhibitions and Artist Support Initiatives Wave Pool Gallery, Cincinnati, Anthony Mead, Director of Morlan Gallery at Transylvania University, Joshua Bennet, Independent curator and Gallery Manager of Tinney Contemporary in Nashville)
Solo Exhibition, Beginnings. Selected Works by Uhma Janus. Pigment Gallery, Louisville, KY, USA
March 2023
Led Adult Workshop: Acrylic Ink Abstraction. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, KY, USA
SNAP, Larry Shapin and Ladonna Nicolas, Louisville, KY
Janus, Uhma. “Artebella On The Radio: July 8”. By Keith S Waits. 8 July 2021,
“Artist Spotlight: Uhma Janus“. Mellwood Art and Entertainment Center, 2020,
Waits, Keith. “Vignette: Uhma Janus.” Louisville Visual Art, 6 July 2018,